Swindon Dolphin is run on a non-profit basis and is made up almost entirely of volunteers. Anyone who volunteers at Swindon Dolphin in any capacity will be registered as a Swim England member (Category 3), which we will pay for.
The open meets that we run are a vital component of the club, they provide a platform for our swimmers to excel, whilst raising vital funds to keep the club going. Because of this, we require a team of dedicated volunteers...just like you!
Volunteering is hugely rewarding. For some, it gives them to opportunity to learn new skills and build confidence, and for others it helps to improve their health and well-being. For many of our volunteers, it is the satisfaction gained from ‘giving something back’ to their club. You can also make many life-long friendships.
As a club, we are expected to provide volunteers, particularly officials, for any open meet or competition we attend. There are many voluntary roles at Swindon Dolphin, but to run open meets, we need volunteers to take on roles such as:
Organising food catering
Operating the computer system
Managing the door and raffle
Raffle coordinator
Marshalling swimmers
Running the medal table
Setting up the pool area
Poolside refreshments
Volunteer coordinator
We would love to grow our volunteer community at Swindon Dolphin. If you would like to help at open meets in any capacity, please get in contact with Becki Hunt at volunteer@swindondolphinasc.co.uk. You will receive appropriate training and support, and work alongside those who are more experienced where necessary.