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Executive Committee
Chairperson - Trustee
Tom Carter
Club Secretary - Trustee
Rachel Workman
Treasurer - Trustee
Gabby Clark
Executive Committee
Assistant Treasurer
Aga Puszkarska
Membership Secretary - Trustee
Anthony Clark
Workforce Coordinator - Trustee
Becki Hunt
Competition Secretary
Teri Newton
Vice Chairperson
Sharyn Chan
Merchandise Coordinator
Laura Matthews
Social & Fundraising
Sara Spinks & Nicky Marchington
Brand & Communications
Lauren Matthews
Health & Safety
Position Vacant
Trophy Secretary
Jo Watts & Katie Kerley
Young Volunteer Coordinator
Sam Jenks
Open Water Secretary
Ashley Cain
Masters Secretary
Tom Carter
Swim Mark Coordinator
Jeanette Carter
Water Polo Secretary
Oscar Pearcey
Pool Bookings coordinator
Sandra Hince
Officials coordinator
Position Vacant
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