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Applauding our Regional Qualifiers

As we all know there have been a lot of sacrifices made due to COVID 19. Lockdown and social distancing have meant that leisure centres have closed and swimming training and competitions have been cancelled.

For some of the Dolphin family this specifically meant that they would not be able to compete at the regional championships, some for the first time. Although competition will resume when it’s safe to do so and we will all have another chance next season, for some it is very relevant as the regional championships would have taken place this bank holiday weekend and throughout May.

We would like to recognise and applaud our Dolphin swimmers who qualified for the championships and would also like to say well done to all the swimmers who still might have qualified for the championships had we been able to compete over the last 2 months. To everyone I would like to say keep your chin up. Your hard work has not been in vain, another chance will come around and I believe we will be stronger when we come out the other side.

Well done again and stay safe

Lawrie, the coaching team and the committee