Dolphin swim for Teenage Cancer Trust

Liam &
Dolphin Sponsored Swim
Venue: Health
Milton Rd
Date: 28
May 2007
Swindon Dolphin swimmers, coaches and parents swam a combined total of 225,000 metres, the equivalent of a return journey to London , at their fundraising event on behalf of the Teenage Cancer Trust. The fundraising was part of a national challenge to swimming clubs to support the Trust and took place at Milton Road on Monday. Amongst the first in the water at 6am was Steve Herbert, whose son Luke has been receiving support from the Trust. It was Luke’s brother Liam who took up the challenge after reading about it in Aqua Zone magazine.

Over twelve hours, more than 100 swimmers from all levels of the club – from the Elite squad through to the younger development swimmers – pounded out the meters in teams of five completing 5 x 100m relays, with most senior squad swimmers participating in at least three blocks of 10 relays. Those that thought this would be a relaxing swim and a break from training were to be disappointed. Coach Andi Manley had an army of helpers with stop watches keeping track of the metres and times and had himself challenged the teams to achieve the best relay time of the day. That honour went to quintet of Mark Tanner (18), Sam Lofts (12), Ben Clark (13), Jose Prunty (13) and Megan Jones (12) who completed 500 meters in a time of 6.29.30.

Happy Swimmers
more leisurely swimming came from the parents. Many were swimming for the first
time in years, others demonstrated previously hidden talents, and there were suspicions
that some had been on a secret training regime. Whilst the stroke technique,
diving and fitness levels would probably not have met with Coach Manley’s approval,
the effort could not be faulted and all parents completed their allocated lengths.
Those parents not swimming also made significant contributions, helping at poolside,
baking for the cake sale, manning the cake stall, making bacon sandwiches for the
early risers, and encouraging the swimmers.
have already received significant and generous donations to their challenge from Tigersharks
ASC and the Wiltshire BAGCATS competition, and are hoping to add a substantial amount
to that total when the sponsorship money is collected. A total exceeding £500
was raised on Monday through cake sales and donations alone.
19TH JUNE 2007
Sponsored Swim Gallery

Read Matt Jackson’s report ‘Brotherly love’ in the Swindon Advertiser:
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