Dolphins enjoy Lydiard BBQ
Grey skies and intermittent drizzle was not enough to prevent over 100 Swindon Dolphin swimmers and their friends and families enjoying the 2007 annual Summer Barbeque last Sunday. After many years at Coate Water,Lydiard Country Park was chosen for this year’s event, and another break from tradition was a professional caterer offering excellent burgers and hot dogs for only £1.
One tradition that remained was the annual Girls versus Boys rounders match, which by the end had turned into Adults versus Children. As usual, this gave the men the opportunity to show how fiercely competitive they can be in the face of competition from tiny 10 year old swimmers, and the girls and women the chance to show that, although they may be capable of multi tasking (unlike men, allegedly), catching is far less of a strength.
Dolphin’s next social event is the Quiz & Curry night. Details are available on the web site and tickets are selling fast.
Source: Swindon Dolphin News Team