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Dolphins Rock to 16 Speed at Hog Roast Evening

Swindon Dolphin’s latest social event was another sell out, with Chris Wright and her team putting on another excellent evening.  Over 100 parents and swimmers from all squads packed Hook Village Hall and the adjoining gazebos for a Hog Roast and a night of rock music featuring local band 16 Speed, with Joe Kerslake’s dad, Chris, on bass, and his brother Jon on drums. 

And the surprise stars of the evening were Jim and Louise Carter with a superb impromptu display of jive on the dance floor. 

The next social event is the Inter-Squad ten pin bowling on 1st November, and planning has started for the presentation evening on 19th January.  Get these dates in your diary now and book your places early.  

16 Speed

Source: Swindon Dolphin Press Team


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