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Last opportunity knocks

Event: Swindon Dolphin Last Chance Level 3 Open Meet Venue: Link Centre, Swindon Date: 25th and 26th January 2014

With the closing date for entries to the Wiltshire County Championships drawing ever closer, The Last Chance Open Meet was the final opportunity for Swindon Dolphin swimmers to achieve qualifying times.  Rising to the challenge, a further 12 swimmers added their name to the county qualifier list which now stands at 92.  Dolphin’s regional qualifier tally also increased to 35 with another seven swimmers achieving the required standard.

Achieving county qualification for the very first time were Anant Mane, Cieran Griffin, Ella Topp, Hannah Bailey, Hannah Knight, Jack Plumb, James Hawkins, Luca Crockford and Olivia Gough.  Qualifying for the first time this season were Helen Hanks and Adrian Jefferies, two of seven competitors from Dolphin’s Masters squads and demonstrating the ability of all age groups to continue to achieve at this level.

Dolphin now have six qualifiers in the youngest 9 year old county age group category.  As well as newly qualified James Hawkins and Olivia Gough, Charlotte Mooney, Erin Henly, Finlay Eaton and Tyler Hillier will all be competing at the championships for the first time in March.


James Hawkins and Olivia Gough ~ new county qualifiers

As well as new county qualifiers, new regional swimmers emerged.  Alice Lockey, William Davies and Josh Fox all achieved first time qualification whilst previous qualifiers Millie Jeans, Regan Jefferies, James Watson and Rebecca Matthews will continue to compete at regional level in 2014.


William Davies and Josh Fox ~ new regional qualifiers

There were plenty of proud medallists on poolside over the weekend.  Top boy medallist was 10 year old Henry Pearce with 10 gold and 1 silver and most decorated girl was Beth Crouch with 8 gold and 1 silver.

Dolphin Chief Coach Louise Clayton was delighted with the overall standard of swimming.  “With counties just over a month away it was great to see so many fantastic performances from all areas of the club; a testament to all the hard work and dedication from the whole team.  Many great performances posted early in the year makes for an exciting season and gives the coaches a platform to help develop every swimmer over the coming months.”


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