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Lydiard hosts Dolphin’s Annual BBQ

Young Dolphins line up for ‘Fun Run’

Swindon Dolphin took over a corner of Lydiard Park yesterday for their annual barbeque with over 100 swimmers, coaches and parents attending.  The sunshine was briefly interrupted by showers, but that didn’t prevent the consumption of large amounts of burgers, hot dogs, ice creams and Manny Gardo’s now customary jug of Pims.

There was also a 1,500m sponsored fun run to raise money for the Bagcats’ off shore training camp later in the year, with coach Tony Stratford among the star performers, before the annual boys versus girls rounders match, the highlight of which was a spectacular diving catch by Manny Gardo that would have graced a test match.  Pims is probably the answer for England’s slip fielders!

Big thanks to Bridgett Tubb and the team for another excellent and well organised get together. Keep your eyes on the notice board and web site for future social events. 

Tony Stratford – Fine Run …

Source: Swindon Dolphin Press Team


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