Swindon Dolphin Quiz & Curry Night a Huge Success
The Dolphin Dummies cruised to victory at the Swindon Dolphin Quiz & Curry Night at a packed Hook Village Hall last Thursday. The Hopping, Cullen, Rendell and Crouch families saw off the challenge of the Gardos, Pitts’ and Berrys – The Good, The Bad & The Ugly, although not necessarily in that order. In joint third place were the Kirby, Woolford and Jefferies families, going by the name of Guess Who?, and Betty Swallocks (the Moorhouses and Makings).
Quiz master for the evening was Steve Cryer, dressed in mortar board, cloak and rimmed glasses, and sporting a threatening looking cane. The curry was provided by Ganges Restaurant of Wootton Bassett and many took home takeaways for the following day.
Hot on the heels of the Barbeque, this was another excellent event from the Social team, and in particular the efforts of Chris Wright. Next up is the Hog Roast on Saturday 22nd September and tickets are already selling fast.
Source: Swindon Dolphin Press Team